Благодійний концерт на користь організації "Help For Ukraine

Благодійний концерт на користь організації “Help For Ukraine”

Ганна Савонюк, Стефан Телеманн

Music and art exist independent of time and politics, and culture responds to change. As musicians, we have a need to create music, give it life, and speak to this world through music.

„Музика – це світ, що співає про себе.“
Valentin Silvestrov



This time in favour of the initiative “BerlinODessaExpress” who had been this year already FINALISTS at the legendary SMILEY CHARITY FILM AWARDS (more on “BerlinOdessaExpress” on their 👉 WE AID page )

5 pm – Christuskirche, Berlin-Oberschöneweide, Firlstraße 16, 12459 Berlin

NEUES BENEFIZKONZERT – 2024/ 06/ 22 – Initiative Theleman Savoniuk performing pieces by George Gershvin, Ravel and more in Berlin supported by WE AID

Музика всередині нас і вона може змінювати світ навколо нас.

This sounds idealistic, but on reflection it is readily understandable. A world without music would not be as we know it.

No matter in which country and in which situation we find ourselves.

The aim of our music project is to enrich the listeners and in addition to help with the donations people who are affected by the war with Russia. Through the concerts and their proceeds, we want to give people hope for a better life and help restore the physical and mental health of people who have experienced terrible events of war.

Maybe it will help them to get hope: life goes on even after destruction, injury and trauma.

Music is invaluable in human life. It can heal, restore and encourage. Music overcomes distances and unites. Therefore, we thank our listeners for the opportunity to contribute to the recovery and rehabilitation of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians.

Your money helps to heal not only bodies, but also souls.

Our project “Thelemann-Savoniuk” was created while there is war in Ukraine and the concerts are intended to express the desire for a Europe free from aggression.

In the programs we play music of different epochs and styles. Ukrainian music also plays a special role, as a symbol of the sound of new freedom.

Benewfizkonzert Trumpet meets Piano – Thelemann Savoniuk

The trumpeter Stefan Thelemann has been living in Berlin for 30 years, is engaged in the Bundespolizeiorchester Berlin and played in numerous other music projects and various line-ups.

The pianist, composer and musicologist Dr. Hanna Savoniuk lives in Woltersdorf near Berlin since summer 2022. Previously she lived in Kyiv as a successful musician and pedagogue.

NEWS: Talke a seat for a moment with us in this church. – The video with impressions of the first benefit concert is here: Three minutes of wonderful performances – Gershwin, Ravel and beautifiul compositions by Mr. Thelemann and Mrs. Dr. Savoniuk, who also happen to be a pedagogue and brought some drawings by her students to the concert. Enjoy all of this in the video right here:


Btw. you can support this initiative 24/7 right here on their WE AID page. THANK YOU for your donations. And: Maybe you invite them to your venue, your festival, your tv- or radio show? They are live just awsome.

Donations within the framework of the concert of October 22, 2023 go towards the organization Help For Ukraine.

Benefit concert Trumpet meets Piano – Thelemann Savoniuk

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