WE AID news – "Gute Mission" initiative on TV at "GMA – Good Morning America" magazine on WorldRefugeeDay

Initiative ‘GuteMission’ on TV ‘Good Morning America’ magazine on WorldRefugeeDay

The initiative “GuteMission” supported by WE AID, was recently featured on “Good Morning America – GMA” television. The initiative was once founded as “Café Kyiv” in Berlin and provided initial orientation to Ukrainian refugees arriving in Berlin.

The former café was one of the first initiatives by refugees for refugees, which was supported by WE AID right after our foundation. Today, the initiative continues to give hope to the often traumatized arrivals and helps them make a new start after they have left everything behind. This deserves respect and, above all, continued support for the valuable work they do.

The article is available at “Good Morning Ameria”, in short ‘GMA`, on their website here:

and here on youtube (also in our “News from other channels” playlist in our youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/@yesWEAID) at:


the initiative

All info about the initiative and Media Echo can be found on the WE AID page of the initiative. In the meantime, the founders would like to help refugees from other disaster regions arriving in the city with a wide range of services. Support is welcome:

💛➡️ https://www.WE-AID.org/en/initiatives/gutemission/

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